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Nursing Home and Assisted Living Administrators

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You are an Angel and I am the Devil of Procrastination, I promise to change next year"   T. P., NHA, Texas

Learn how to avoid decline when a resident is partially or completely bedridden. 

6 Hours (On-Line) Ethics

This course utilizes editable pdf files. Download the Test and Study Material. Complete the test as time permits.

Notes on PDF files: Search (Ctrl + F), Zoom Larger (Ctrl and Plus key, Smaller (Ctrl and Minus Key), File | Save As to save file to your PC and be able to open it later.

Opening the files in Acrobat Reader is the best approach.  Bookmarks will show automatically.  In Chrome you must click Bookmarks icon top right corner of your screen.

Click Links Below (No Password Required)     Left Click Link to open

Link to Cover Letter and Test

Link to Study Material

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"Out of the 20 courses I have taken, this was my favorite. "
Tom H., NHA, OH