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Nursing Home and Assisted Living Administrators

Medical Update Blog

Do you have a Blind Spot?

Published on Thursday, November 8, 2018

Why (and How) we Stereotype Strangers (Life and Arts, Relationships, the WSJ Oct.30, 2018)

We hold biases unconsciously. Our attitudes or stereotypes can influence our behavior; which in turn can affect whether we reach out to minorities,the opposite sex or people who are not like us in business or social settings.
We can train ourselves to listen to people who are not like us, find ways to fill in the gaps about people we know nothing about, and talk to young people.
Medical Update will have a new course out on this subject in January 2019 using the book, Blind Spot. Nursing Home Administrators, can earn NAB approved continuing education hours and Activity Professionals, can earn clock hours approved by NCCAP.

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Extraordinarily Germane

"Your courses are extraordinarily germane and useful for the workplace. Job well done, my friends. "
J. Reed P. , NHA, Choctaw, Oklahoma