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Amazon to Roll out delivery at Whole Foods

Published on Monday, February 12, 2018

The Associated Press Feb 9, 2019

The elderly who worry about falling on uneven surfaces ,may like the idea of having their groceries brought to them. They may be the first to try amazon's home delivery of food. Residential Care Facility resident's,some of the speciality care units in nursing homes, memory care and dementia units, rehab units after hip or knee replacement, and assisted living homes all may have a place in this new service. It may take some training, such as CEU classes which teach older residents how to use their computers for shopping, they may installing apps on their phones so that ordering is easy. Nursing Home Administrators and Assisted Living Managers may be the first to master the new form of shopping and will be the very ones to teach their residents how it is done Classes, education, company's offering CEU's may be brought in to train and demonstrate. Medical Update is one such company that is devising the type of training that would appeal to the older generations in retirement facilities.

Amazon to roll out delivery at whole Foods

Online retail giant Amazon plans to roll out two hour delivery at Whole Foods to those who pay for amazon prime at &99 a year Prime membership.It is also precisely that action rivals have been preparing for since the day Amazon with the Prime program that's been so successful in cementing loyalty in its customers - announced plans to buy Whole Foods.  

Amazon shoppers can order meant, seafood, and other whole Foods grocery items. through the Prime app and website. Deliveries started in Austin Texas, Cincinnati, Dallas, and Virginia beach and will explant nationwide this year.

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